Businessolver supports benefits for over 800,000 employees in the manufacturing industry. While no two employees’ health and benefits needs are the same, our data shows us that 8 in 10 employees are confused about their benefits. And it has cascading effects.
Here are some of the top challenges manufacturing employers face among their workforce. These employees need help:
43% of manufacturing employees engage with their benefits platform 4+ times after enrollment. This number goes up even higher when HSA and FSA accounts are also managed through our platform.
61% of manufacturing employees chat with our virtual benefits assistant to get real-time answers to their questions and summaries of their benefits. 85% of those chats stay resolved, meaning no follow-up calls, emails, or door knocks for them or you.
59% of manufacturing clients use our integrated decision support tool to help guide their employees through enrollment. 52% of those employees chose coverage that was recommended to them based on their needs.
Our clients realize $400,000,000 in efficiency gains alone when they use our AI-powered tools, like chat support and automated dependent verification. That’s one stat that’s guaranteed to make your CFO happy.
80% of employees feel more confident and satisfied with their benefits thanks to our personalized technology. That’s 80% of employees who are happier, healthier, and more engaged because they don’t have to worry about benefits.
Schedule a demo and let us introduce you to the team of experts who will become an extension of your team, with a technology that drives the best in benefits engagement.
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